Saturday, February 22, 2014

Employee Termination

This week’s topics in my CIS608 class included personnel issues with regard to IT security to include job and duty descriptions, certification, employment policies, interviews and personnel security practices.  The topic that I found to be the most interesting was IT security issues involved when terminating an employee.  I found this to be the most interesting because it is the topic that I have the least experience with of all of the topics covered this week so I wanted to learn a little more about it.  While doing research I found an article on called “Employee Termination from an IT Perspective The IT Department Needs to Be Involved in Employment Termination” by Richard Jones at
In the article the author discusses the need to involve the IT department into the termination of employees.  Some of the key facts that the author points out are:

  • ·         Prompt notification to the IT department when an employee is being terminated

  • ·         Policies should be in place to notify all key parties when an employee is being terminated immediately

  • ·         Policies on revocation on network access

  • ·         Keep key data and logs from employee in case there are legal issues that arise

  • ·         Have data retention and redundancy policies in place to protect key data

I found all of these issues to be very interesting and something that should be thought of for every company.  I’m sure that the company that I work for has policies like these in place already but I’m not part of the process.  I can definitely see where this is something that should be addressed sooner or later by organizations in order to protect their proprietary and business interests.