Tuesday, February 25, 2014

CIS608 Final Post

During CIS608, I wrote on many different security topics.  The topics included training against phishing attacks, risk management, data breaches and risk management, wireless security, employee termination, training, acceptable use policies, the Target data breach and Google Glass.  During the semester I tried to write on a topic in the class or something that was big in the news at the time.  As the semester started the two biggest topics that I wrote about was the security breach at Target and Google Glasses.  The other weeks I tried to find more information on a topic of choice from the weekly reading.  I chose these topics so I could learn more on the topic.

The bulk of the sources that I chose for my blog postings came from CNet and CNN.  These are areas that I frequent so during my daily reading I would typically find a topic at some point during the week that correlated with a topic within the weekly readings.  The remaining sources were found by performing searches via search engine (Google).   The blogs that I wrote may or may not be of use to future students because my topics generally followed the news at the time.  This could potentially still be applicable in the future due to the content more than the example.  The lessons learned that I found about doing this weekly blog was to be more aware of security topics in the news.  When reading the news daily I was always interested in any topic that may assist me in completing my blog assignment.  The side effect was that I got to learn/apply the topics better through research.