Saturday, January 11, 2014

Acceptable Use Policies

In the spirit of this week’s CIS608 topic I thought I would blog about acceptable use policy or AUP.  AUPs are a written agreement that all personnel that uses a particular computer or groups of computers agree to as how the systems will be used according to Bradley Mitchell in the following summary:   Most places of employment have an AUP that they present to employee’s early on prior to the employee being allowed to utilize the companies computers.  The policy usually defines what the computers and internet can be used for, how much they can be used and even define the etiquette required for proper communications.  Really the AUP is good for not only the company but also the employee.  Because it is a written agreement, the employee will know what they can and cannot do while on the company’s computer and network.   Additionally, corporate AUPs also protect the company’s proprietary data.

An AUP should clearly define the consequences of violating one of the agreed upon uses for the devices.  An effective AUP should remove any mystery to an employee of the company as to what they can and cannot do while on the network.  Beyond AUPs for companies there are also AUPs for schools, libraries and virtually anywhere else someone could connect to a network.  I know that my oldest son recently started junior high school where he was given the school’s AUP that both of us had to read and sign to return to the school.  The nature of his AUP was slightly different than the ones that I have been given in the past for my work.  The AUP for school was focused primarily around not cheating, hacking or looking at graphic or pornographic materials.  Additionally he is to report any accidental access to such material immediately as well as to report someone else if he witnesses it.  Overall these policies are good for all interested parties to ensure that the network remains in good health and readily available to all parties.