Monday, November 25, 2013

Google Glass Pics

 Although the Google Glasses enable people to feel like they are more connected than they already were I found an interesting article by Chris Matyszcyk discussing the concern of people that are wearing the glasses being able to take photos of others without out them knowing it.  Evidently there is a version of the glasses that has a sunshade that makes it more difficult to tell if the glasses are in use or not. The author points out that the wearer of the glasses can record or photograph anything of there choosing while wearing the glasses.

Although I can see the problem of people taking photos of others without there knowledge particularly children, I do not see how these glasses have enabled this to happen any more than someone that is simply using their smartphone in a public venue.  If someone is holding their phone up as if they are looking at email, the internet or playing a game, how can someone on the other side of the phone know that they aren't taking their picture?  They don't.  Well that is unless the flash was to go off. 

I personally do not feel that these glasses created a larger risk to the public for unwanted photography.  The glasses will likely make it easier to photograph or record more accurately but they do not really raise the bar on what can be photoed already but they do change the game on nearly hands free recording and photography. 

Matyszccyk, C. (Nov 16, 2013). Creepy Google Glass pics without anyone knowing? Yes you can retrieved from: